Returns and Exchanges

To be eligible for an exchange or a return, goods must be returned in original condition and packaging, within 14 days of purchase. Please note:

  • The cost of returning an item to us for refund or exchange is at your expense.
  • If a refund is made, it will be made to the original purchase credit card or Paypal account, less the shipping cost.
  • If an exchange is requested for an order delivered in Australia, we will cover the cost of shipping back to you for your first exchange on every purchase. You will incur costs as set out in Shipping for any additional exchanges. For international orders, the customer will be required to pay for the cost of shipping for all exchanges. 

R E T U R N S 
Please follow these steps:
1. Let us know about your return request by emailing us at
2. Include your name and return reference (which will be emailed to you after you register your return) in the parcel. 
3. Post the return to:

Little Fox Kids' Shoe Company
PO BOX 1218
Hunters Hill. NSW. 2110

4. Once we have received your parcel, we will check the goods to ensure that they meet the Little Fox Kids' Shoe Company Returns and Exchanges policy.
5. We will email you confirmation of receipt of the goods and refund of your money.
6. Your refund may take 5-7 working days to appear in your account.

E X C H A N G E S 
Please follow these steps:

1. Let us know about your return request by emailing us at
2. Include your name and exchange reference (which will be emailed to you after you register your exchange) in the parcel. 
3. Post the exchange to:

Little Fox Kids' Shoe Company
PO BOX 1218
Hunters Hill. NSW. 2110

4. Once we have received your parcel, we will check the goods to ensure that they meet the Little Fox Kids' Shoe Company Returns and Exchanges Policy.
5. We will post to you your first exchange free of charge. Additional exchanges will each incur postage charges, as set out in Shipping
6. We will process your exchange and email you confirmation that your goods are on the way.